Welcome! (You're right, this has nothing to do with photography.)
To purchase tickets at a 36% discount for Roseland Waterpark via paypal, simply click the button below. Be sure to change the quantity to your desired number of tickets. This is open to anyone you know, so feel free to share! If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
Tickets are 19.36 via snail mail and 19.93 via Paypal. The total includes sales tax. Children 2 and under are free. There is a $3 shipping and handling fee per order (not per ticket). Tickets are valid for any day during the entire season which is June 28th to September 1st. They will be mailed to you before June 28th.
If you would prefer to pay by mail, click here for a printable form.
All orders must be postmarked or paid via Paypal by June 16th.
If you're not ready to purchase tickets, but would like a reminder email, enter your email here: